Submission portal closed

Thank you for your submissions


Please submit your abstract using the provided template, ensuring it does not exceed 200 words. Your submission will be reviewed, and you will be notified whether it has been accepted into the program or declined.




Electricity supply and demand – Topics on efficient, secure, sustainable and affordable electrical energy supply and demand will be welcome, including but not limited to the following topics: generation including intermittent and distributed generation; wind; solar; transmission; energy storage and batteries; power, gas, heat, and water infrastructure; distribution; advanced metering; communication; digitalisation; smart cooling and heating; demand side management; behavioural demand responses; wholesale and retail pricing; market power; foreign investments in renewable and non-renewable energy; regulation and consenting costs; peer to peer trading; and multiple trading relationships.

Transportation – At present New Zealand is a very mobile society with a high per capita ownership of cars and a high rate of international travel. Also, as a remote long thin island nation we are very dependent on good local and international transportation to ship goods for trade. How will all this change by 2050 in a net-zero carbon world? What transportation fuels will be available? Within NZ we may be using electricity, hydrogen and bio-diesel. Will bio-avgas be available for international air travel? How will our economy manage with more expensive transportation? Will we travel less, and will tourists come? The NZEC welcomes presentations on these and many other topics related to the challenging energy and transportation environment faced by New Zealand and all other nations over the next 25 years.

Energy efficient and energy positive communities/ cities/ precincts/ buildings – New Zealand Emissions Reduction Plan includes actions to empower communities, ensuring an equitable transition to clean energy. The built environment contributes 20% of the total CO2 emissions in New Zealand and homes are not meeting population’s energy needs. New responses to these challenges are possible by creating an energy efficient and energy positive built environment aimed at turning our cities, precincts and buildings into catalysts for community well-being. What are the most adequate approaches, technologies and polices to achieve these goals? How can we transform poor-performing building stock into energy positive infrastructure? How can we ensure an equitable energy transition for all? The NZEC welcomes presentations on these and many other topics related to the energy challenges faced by New Zealand’s built environment and all other nations over the next 25 years.

Energy Storage and Materials – Efficient and large-scale energy storage will be vital for satisfying the energies of future societies. Here we seek to engage researchers, industry experts and policy makers working in the areas of energy storage and conversion, to give presentations and join conversations that can help shape Aotearoa New Zealand’s energy landscape. We welcome abstract submissions relating to all aspects of energy storage and conversion, including but not limited to, green hydrogen generation and storage, fuel cells, sustainable battery technologies, biofuel production, and other innovative energy storage/conversion strategies to reduce carbon emissions.

Presentation types

There will be TWO presentation types (Oral, Poster) at Energy Research Conference 2025. All are equally valued contributions. Different presentation formats may be best suited to different kinds of content. Authors are required to choose their preferred presentation format. However, the final presentation type will be determined by the Energy Research Conference 2025 and Programme Committee.

If your abstract is accepted, the presenting author will be expected to register as a conference delegate by the due date. Failure to register will result in removal of your presentation from the conference programme.

Posters will be on display in the Energy Research Conference 2025 Exhibition and Networking area and will provide opportunities for relaxed discussion throughout the entire conference.

Prizes will be awarded to the best Poster presentations during the conference closing ceremony. There will be a single People’s Choice Award for the best Oral presentation.

Oral presentation (15 minutes total, comprising: 10-12 minute talk + 3-5 minute Q&A)

Typically, oral presentations will be complete stories or largely finished research projects, with clear outcomes and conclusions. They should be placed in a broad context and therefore be of general interest beyond the immediate subject area. They may be studies with complex hypotheses or study designs that require explication. If applicable, authors should outline potential or existing collaboration(s) with industry, academia, and other research organisations in New Zealand or internationally, and also summarise the (potential) value of the work in an industrial context.

Presentations should aim to engage the audience, to create interest, seek feedback and encourage further enquiry.  Presentations are approximately 10-12 minute long, followed by 3-5 minutes for further discussion/question time, for a total of 15 minutes.

Posters (A0 portrait display)

Poster presentations are suited for work in progress and preliminary results and are also useful for reporting new methods and techniques that might be of relatively narrow interest to researchers or industry development persons in particular fields. Studies that seem ideal for Oral presentations can also be presented very effectively as Posters.

Posters encourage direct engagement between those with interesting work to share and a wide audience, in a personal setting.  Posters will be displayed in the conference space available to attendees during breaks.  Poster session times will be announced in the conference program. Unattended posters will not be accepted.

Authors should bring their posters to the Conference ready for display.









Keep up to date with us!


14 Apr            Conference day 1
14 Apr            Conference dinner
15 Apr            Conference day 2


16 Oct            Registration open
28 Feb            Presenters registration deadline
14 Mar            Earlybird deadline
8 Apr               Registration closed (11.59pm)


10 Oct              Abstract submission open
31 Jan             Abstract submission deadline
From 12 Feb      Abstract review results expected


Have a question?

Get in touch with
Tessa Campbell,
Conference Planner